A boy and dad passion for action figures.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Our Lego city

Isaac and I decided to build a Lego city instead of the Star Wars Death Star we had started a few months ago. The Lego city is more logical and will be a place for all Lego collection. It will be in constant evolution.

It is build around our Lego Space Train. In there you can see the Lego Batcave released last year. There is also the Spider-Man and Green Goblin labs along with the Mega Bloks TMNT hangout.

One next step is to have actual Lego road plates and make it look more like a city. It is slowly becoming very nice.


  1. Cool! Right now it reminds me a bit of a Super Hero training facility! I like it!

    1. Thanks! We plan on adding road and other houses and buildings.

  2. That looks awesome!

    1. Thanks! We have already changed it since I took those pictures. More will soon be online.
