A boy and dad passion for action figures.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Flea Market Hunting : Spider-Man

Finally we found an action figure of Mysterio!! This is the "Mist Squirting Action" figure... ok strange name I have to admit but still fun.

I've always loved Mysterio as a kid. He's a cool looking character.

The original Mysterio (Quentin Beck) was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko and first appears in Amazing Spider-Man #13, although it was later retconned that the aliens seen in Amazing Spider-Man #2 had been Mysterio and his men in disguise; it was revealed that he had been hired by the Tinkerer to disguise himself as an extraterrestrial and uncover military and industrial secrets.


  1. I love this character and always imagined him being played by Bruce Campbell in the movies.

    1. Indeed! In the Sam Raimi series it would have been cool!

  2. Not sure if you know this but he comes with a purple cape too. Whenever I get figures like this that are incomplete but a necessary part of clothing is not there I send it to my litte viejita costurera which is an old sewing lady and she sews up little capes etc. She laughs every time I come in with something new.

    1. Yeah I saw him with a cape online.

      AhAHhHahHA funny little story indeed!!
